Profile for: Gar Ryness
see the kids

Contact Basics:
email #1: [email protected]
email #2: [email protected]
home phone: 323-663-3344
work phone:
cell phone: 323.251.0761
address1: 3331 Appleton St.
city: Los Angeles
state: CA
zip: 90039

birthday: 04/06/1973
city of birth: Walnut Creek, CA
city where you grew up: Danville, CA
college Da Cuse!?!!!
major Speech Comm
current occupation Defenda of da Faith

wife's name Rebecca
anniversary 01/06/1996
wife's birthday 05/10/1973
wife's occupation Teacha of da Way
kids: edit kids


description of every pet you've ever owned or lived with:
Ping (fish) Pong (fish) Sophie (dog) Freda (dog) Morgan (dog)

favorite book of the Old Testament, and why:
1 and 2 Samuel: love the dudes that shaped Jonathan and Nathan

favorite soup: clmchwdr-breadbwl, SF

favorite teams:
NFL: Dolphins
NBA: Warriors
MLB: Giants
NHL: Sharks
College Football: Syracuse
College Basketball: Syracuse

favorite book of the New Testament, and why:
John- just so important, so foundational, so paramount

number of Elvis Costello albums I own: greatest hits-double album
trips to Daytona for Operation Sonshine/Big Break/whatever: 4
favorite band: the Blue Nile (U2-2nd)
best talk you ever heard: Ganssle-timeline talk- mens burly, find your calling by 35.
favorite president: Lee Iaccoaca

would you run naked through the Carrier Dome during a sold out football game for $50,000? yes