Profile for: Darryl Beckerleg
see the kids

Contact Basics:
email #1: [email protected]
email #2:
home phone: 978-304-0945
work phone: 978-287-1508
cell phone: 978-335-5475
address1: 74 Centre Street
city: Danvers
state: MA
zip: 01923

birthday: 12/06/1970
city of birth: MA
city where you grew up: Boxford
college Syracuse
major Um...
current occupation Development Mgr

wife's name Cathy
wife's birthday
wife's occupation OT Expert
kids: edit kids


description of every pet you've ever owned or lived with:
My dog, Butterscotch, had an IQ to that of about a snail, but was extremely loyal and energetic. I had many cats, some good, some bad; most were lazy. Puna (Hawaiian for "His Majesty") acted like roalty all the days of his life. How nice it was that he allowed us to live in his home all those years. Smudge, another cat, attacked my brother and I so often that we had to give it away. Cathy and I have two cats now - Squiggy, who is 6 yrs old and about 18 lbs. All fat. She should be about 10 lbs. I think. Then there's Duncan. He is a 10 month old kitten, about 5 lbs, and loves chasing Squiggy. It's quite a site. We had a "Lenny" to go with Squiggy, but Lenny was psycho and we gave him back to the shelter.

favorite book of the Old Testament, and why:
Toss up between Joshua - with all the be strong and courageous stuff, and Habakkuk, that tells of Habby's call to the Lord, dissappointments, strugles, and then desire for the Lord even in difficulty

favorite soup: Tomato

favorite teams:
NFL: Patriots
NBA: Celtics
MLB: Red Sox
NHL: None - what's hockey?
College Football: Syracuse
College Basketball: Syracuse

favorite book of the New Testament, and why:

number of Elvis Costello albums I own: Richie Costello?
trips to Daytona for Operation Sonshine/Big Break/whatever: 2
favorite band: Collective Soul
best talk you ever heard: Very tough to call. Sermon on the Mount, perhaps.
favorite president: Abraham Lincoln

would you run naked through the Carrier Dome during a sold out football game for $50,000? no