email #1: | [email protected] |
email #2: | [email protected] |
home phone: | 703-352-5844 |
work phone: | 866-342-5642 x182 |
cell phone: | 703-268-3193 |
pager: | |
address1: | 11571 Avondale Drive |
address2: | |
city: | Fairfax |
state: | VA |
zip: | 22030 |
birthday: | 12/14/1972 |
city of birth: | Mobile, AL |
city where you grew up: | Hampton, VA |
college | Syracuse |
major | Broadcast Journalism |
current occupation | Senior Manager, Educational Programming for the National Glass Association |
wife's name | Kristy |
anniversary | 07/22/2000 |
wife's birthday | 10/31/1970 |
wife's occupation | Financial Asset Manager |
kids: | edit kids |